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What is a BTEC course like?
As a BTEC student you will put your learning into practice straight away by taking part in assignments set in real-life situations, developing practical skills and knowledge that employers will love.
You will get a certificate and qualification on completing your course. And that qualification is precious, because it opens lots of doors in terms of your life choices. University? Getting a job? A BTEC holds the key to both of these. Live your life.
What BTEC courses can you do?
The range of our BTEC courses available is pretty wide, so you don’t have to feel like a square peg in a round hole. If you’d like to take a practical route into business or computer engineering, you can do that. You can develop your programming skills, or learn to become a business whizz – and so much more.
You will learn a huge amount, whatever course you do, so you can feel proud that you’re learning all these amazing skills and picking up knowledge in a practical way instead of a purely academic way.
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